Injuries at Fitness Centers Could Increase with New Year’s Resolutions

Did you resolve to exercise more or lose weight in 2019? Health-related resolutions are popular New Year’s resolutions each year. As part of their resolution, many people join gyms and fitness centers during the first couple of months each year. Some fitness centers and gyms offer special discounts for individuals joining early in the year…. Read more »

Avoiding A Slip and Fall Accident During an Indianapolis Winter

Winter weather can be brutal. Even though it is January, we have not seen the last of winter weather in Indianapolis. Slips and falls during the winter can cause severe injuries. Our Indianapolis slip and fall attorneys discuss ways you can avoid a slip and fall during winter weather and what you should do if… Read more »

Five Mistakes That Hurt Your Accident Claim

The weeks and months after an accident can be confusing and frustrating. Some accident victims sustain traumatic injuries and incur substantial financial losses. It can be difficult to know what to do in the aftermath of an accident. In some cases, the steps you take can hurt your chance of recovering full compensation for your… Read more »

Should I Hire an Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer?

When someone is injured in an accident, hiring an Indianapolis personal injury lawyer may not seem important. In most cases, seeking medical treatment is the top priority. However, after you see a doctor and you receive medical treatment, you may begin to focus on the property damage and the financial losses related to the accident…. Read more »

New Section of The Monon Trail Can Help Keep Bicyclists and Pedestrians Safe

Last month was the grand opening of the extended Monon Trail. The 24-mail trail runs from downtown Indianapolis to the City of Sheridan in Hamilton County. Walkers, joggers, and bicyclists have a safe path that connects a variety of areas. The path is also wheelchair accessible. Because of its location, the path offers protection from… Read more »

Whiplash From Car Accidents Can Cause Chronic Pain And Impairment

Rear-end crashes are some of the most common types of motor vehicle crashes, especially in Indianapolis traffic jams. Distracted drivers, speeding, and following too closely for conditions are common causes of rear-end accidents. Whatever the underlying reason for the crash may be, the results are often the same. The occupants of the vehicle in front… Read more »

2018 Halloween Activities in Indianapolis and Halloween Safety Tips

If you are searching for safe, fun Halloween events for 2018, Indianapolis has quite a few to offer. Many of the events are free to the public or cost a small fee to attend. Why don’t you grab your little princesses, ghosts, comic book heroes, and monsters to head out to one of these Indianapolis… Read more »

How Can A Contingency Fee Help Me with My Indianapolis Accident Claim?

Your first thought after an accident is medical care for your injuries. Depending on the severity of your injuries, that may be your only thought for quite some time. However, at some point, you may consider consulting an Indianapolis accident attorney to learn about your legal rights. We strongly urge you to consult with one… Read more »

Why is Maximum Medical Improvement Important in My Indianapolis Personal Injury Case?

The insurance company for the other party may approach you with an offer of settlement of your personal injury claim. However, it is important that you do not settle your claim until your medical treatment ends. Settling your claim before reaching maximum medical improvement (MMI) could result in a much lower settlement amount. If you… Read more »

What is a Pain and Suffering Journal?

When you are injured in a traffic accident, fall, or other personal injury accident, you suffer a variety of damages. In addition to your physical injuries, you might incur substantial financial losses related to the accident and your injury. Under Indiana’s personal injury laws, you can file a civil claim against the person responsible for… Read more »