how dangerous are rural roads

Learn How to Safely Navigate the Rural Roads Around Indiana

What you’ll learn reading this article: Over half of Indiana is made up of farmland.  Rural roads can offer particular dangers that city streets do not.  Harvest season can be especially dangerous for drivers as farm equipment and machinery is operating. Indiana is made up of almost 23 million acres of land, and there’s a… Read more »

car accident causing post traumatic stress disorder

What You Should Know About PTSD From A Car Accident

Most people have heard of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, but many do not know all that it entails.  For example, most people associate PTSD with veterans due to the very traumatic things they experience during combat and war. And while combat is traumatizing, one of the leading causes of PTSD in the United States… Read more »

accidents involving government vehicles

What Happens When an Indiana Car Accident Involves a Government-Owned Vehicle?

What you’ll learn reading this article: In many cases, the government and its officials have immunity when it comes to being found liable for accidents.  Exceptions to governmental immunity do exist, and you can pursue claims in the event of an accident with a government-owned vehicle.   Because of contributory negligence, if you are found to… Read more »

Property Damage Claims

Understanding Property Damage Claims

What you’ll learn reading this article: After a car accident, always inspect the exterior and interior of your vehicle for damage and take note of any and all property you need to claim.  Contact the insurance company right away with your property damage claim in order to move your case forward.  In some cases, you… Read more »

file for an accident injury lawsuit

Should You File a Lawsuit for Your Accident-Related Injuries?

What you’ll learn reading this article: Many people are afraid to file a lawsuit for fear of being stigmatized or because they are worried about the time and effort a lawsuit can entail.  Too often, individuals don’t realize how little bargaining power they have against an insurance company when representing themselves. They need help gaining… Read more »

how to set up an auto insurance claim

Setting Up Auto Claims

What you’ll learn reading this article: Setting up an auto accident claim starts with exchanging information at the scene. Having an attorney makes the claims process much easier. Avoid giving formal statements until you talk to your attorney. The moments after a car accident are very important. Now’s your chance to exchange insurance information with… Read more »

injury case damage entitlement

What Type of Damages Are You Entitled to in Your Injury Case?

What you’ll learn reading this article: Indiana provides jurists with a list of damages that can be claimed in personal injury suits.  While not all personal injury cases result in a jury trial, this list provides victims with a blueprint for determining possible compensation.  Your personal injury case may involve both economic and non-economic damages,… Read more »

arguments insurance agents make against settlement

3 Arguments Insurance Companies Make to Reduce Your Settlement

What you’ll learn reading this article: Insurance companies use common tactics to limit claims. Insurance adjusters may try to blame you, say you weren’t hurt, or bring up a pre-existing injury. Stand up to the insurance company by gathering documentation and getting a lawyer. There are 3 common arguments insurance companies make after car accidents…. Read more »