Do You Have an Allstate Personal Injury Claim? What to Expect Next

The aftermath of an auto accident can be exhausting — physically, emotionally, and mentally. While you are working to get new transportation, taking care of injuries, and getting back to a normal way of life, you don’t need the headache of negotiating with an insurance company after the crash — especially one of the largest… Read more »

rights following insurance claim denial

If My Insurance Company Denies My Claim, What Are My Rights?

What you’ll learn from reading this article: What you are responsible for when making an insurance claim What your insurance company is responsible for when you make an insurance claim What rights you have if your claim is denied There may come a time when you experience a slip and fall injury, a car accident,… Read more »

arguments insurance agents make against settlement

3 Arguments Insurance Companies Make to Reduce Your Settlement

What you’ll learn reading this article: Insurance companies use common tactics to limit claims. Insurance adjusters may try to blame you, say you weren’t hurt, or bring up a pre-existing injury. Stand up to the insurance company by gathering documentation and getting a lawyer. There are 3 common arguments insurance companies make after car accidents…. Read more »

Why Is the Insurance Company Not Making You an Offer

Why Is the Insurance Company Not Making You an Offer?

What you’ll learn reading this article: You have a statute of limitations when it comes to your personal injury claim, meaning that if you don’t settle your accident claim quickly enough, you could lose your claim.  Insurance companies are often in no hurry to shell out the money to settle your claim—for them, it is… Read more »

What Happens When an Insurance Company Refuses to Pay an Injury Claim?

What Happens When an Insurance Company Refuses to Pay an Injury Claim?

When another person or party’s negligence or wrongdoing causes your injury, Indiana laws provide a way for you to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. Depending on the incident that caused your injury, your claim may fall under Indiana’s product liability, premises liability, or medical malpractice laws. Other types of injuries, such as injuries… Read more »

Three Insurance Company Tactics That Can Hurt Your Accident Claim

Insurance companies are not evil, nor do they operate with a desire to cheat accident victims out of the compensation they deserve for an accident claim. However, profits do often motivate the decisions made by insurance companies. They do not profit by paying out large insurance settlements. Therefore, many companies use various insurance tactics to… Read more »