weather affecting liability accidents

How Does Weather Affect Liability for Car Accidents In Indiana?

What you’ll learn from reading this article: How weather affects liability for car accidents in Indiana Pointers for driving safely in hazardous weather conditions Indiana is blessed (is that the right word?) with all kinds of weather — much of it dangerous for drivers. Yes, our spring and summer seasons are beautiful but often plagued… Read more »

Snow road

How to Protect Yourself When Driving in Bad Weather

What you’ll learn reading this article: Bad weather contributes to many road accidents. Planning ahead can help keep you safe. If you’re hurt in an accident, a local lawyer can help clarify how weather played a role in your crash. Did you know bad weather is a factor in 1 in 5 traffic accidents? In… Read more »

car accident bad weather comparative fault

Who’s Responsible for a Car Accident Due to Weather Conditions?

What you’ll learn reading this article: Severe weather in Indiana is a common occurrence, no matter the season. Spring and summer can see severe thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes, whereas fall and winter can commonly see freezing rain, hail, sleet, snow and icy roads. Indiana can have particularly troublesome winters and was even found to be… Read more »