What you’ll learn reading this article: Dog bites are quite common and about half come from familiar dogs. You can sue the dog’s owner and hold them responsible for your medical bills and more. Indiana has a rule that allows dog bite victims to sue, even if they are partially responsible for their own injuries…. Read more »
Indiana personal injury attorney
Are Traffic Roundabouts Reducing Car Crashes As Intended?
What you’ll learn reading this article: Roundabouts are intended to reduce car crashes, although many traffic intersections converted to traffic circles have actually become more accident-prone than before. Carmel, Indiana -the roundabout capital of the world- is looking at additional ways to limit crashes at traffic crossings, including an enforceable speed limit for roundabouts. If… Read more »
How Does Ice Affect Driving in Indianapolis and How to Drive Through It
What you’ll learn reading this article: While road conditions can affect or impair a driver at any time of year, winter weather is particularly problematic. In November 2019 for instance, police responded to 95 road accidents after the first snow in Ft. Wayne, Indiana with additional call-ins for things like sliding off the road due… Read more »
Consequences of Alcohol-Related Car Accidents Change Lives in a Matter of Minutes
What you’ll learn reading this article: Recent catastrophic car accidents in and around Indianapolis show why alcohol-related crashes account for 10% of all Indiana traffic fatalities. Impaired drivers tend to drive at high speeds, operate their vehicles erratically, have slow reaction times and contribute to collisions that injure and kill people. Know the legal concepts… Read more »