What to Do in the Event of Catastrophic Injury in Indiana

What you’ll learn reading this article: Catastrophic injuries are severe injuries with extreme trauma. Victims experience damage to almost every aspect of their lives. Heal from a catastrophic injury by seeking compensation with excellent legal representation. While every accident is a serious matter, some accidents are among the worst that can ever happen. These fall… Read more »

what is a bad faith claim

Proving a Bad Faith Claim in Indiana

What you’ll learn reading this article: Indiana requires that insurance companies act in good faith. You may have a legal case against an insurance company that fails to meet this standard. Your bad faith claim could be worth even more than the insurance claim, but you’ll need the help of an attorney who handles these… Read more »

off road vehicle winter accidents

Winter Accident Risks for Off-Road (ATV, OTV, ROV) Vehicles

What you’ll learn reading this article: Off-road vehicles are risky to ride. Many vehicles can’t handle winter weather and some have been recalled. Know Indiana’s off-roading laws, especially if you’ve been injured. Indiana’s off-road vehicles go by many names and abbreviations. We have all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs), utility task vehicles (UTVs), and… Read more »

file for an accident injury lawsuit

Should You File a Lawsuit for Your Accident-Related Injuries?

What you’ll learn reading this article: Many people are afraid to file a lawsuit for fear of being stigmatized or because they are worried about the time and effort a lawsuit can entail.  Too often, individuals don’t realize how little bargaining power they have against an insurance company when representing themselves. They need help gaining… Read more »