bus accident lawyer

Tips from a Bus Accident Lawyer: Steps to Take After an Indiana Bus Accident

Thousands of bus accidents occur every year, resulting in severe injuries and even fatalities.  The exact numbers are hard to determine, as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration combines large trucks and large buses when reporting these statistics — but in 2020, they reported 4,998 fatal large truck and bus accidents. The number of truck… Read more »

Steps To Take If Your Child Was Injured in a School Bus Accident

Steps To Take If Your Child Was Injured in a School Bus Accident

A school bus accident can be very severe, and sadly, many children can suffer serious injuries as a result. Although these occurrences are rarer than standard car accidents, they are not as rare as you may think.  The worst school bus accidents involve serious injuries and death. One tragic case happened in Chattanooga, Tennessee in… Read more »