Fractured Skull and Other Head Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are considered a type of premises liability case. In other words, when you slip and fall and injure yourself on someone else’s property, the property owners can be liable for the accident and your resulting injuries.
These types of accidents can happen just about anywhere. Slip and falls can occur at grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants and bars, amusement parks, museums, parking lots, office buildings, and even residential properties.
While some slip and fall accidents may only result in minor injuries, such as some minor bumps and bruises, a slip and fall injury can also be quite severe, especially if the person fell from a great height or landed on a hard surface.
A fractured skull and other head injuries, for example, can be very serious and are common in slip and fall accident cases. Luckily, if the owner of the property is responsible for the slip and fall, you can file a claim against them to recover compensation for your injury and other potential damages.
Of course, no amount of money can make up for a serious head injury that could potentially alter your life, but the money you recover could help you or your family members cover the cost of your medical expenses and other losses to make the aftermath and even the years that follow a little less burdensome.
If you or a loved one have sustained a head injury in a slip and fall accident, our Indianapolis slip and fall attorneys can help you with your case. We can focus on handling the case for you and get you the compensation you need while you focus on your rest and recovery.
Common Types of Head Injuries Caused By Slip and Fall Accidents
Various kinds of head injuries can occur in a slip and fall accident; it simply depends on where the head was impacted and how hard the head was hit. Head injuries can also vary from one person to the next. For example, someone who has a more delicate skull is at higher risk of sustaining a more severe injury, as is someone who has suffered a previous head injury.
Some of the most common head injuries we see in slip and fall accident cases that we handle include the following:
- Concussions: This type of head injury occurs when there is a jolt or blow to the head. The impact causes the brain to rapidly bounce around the skull, which results in chemical changes and damage to brain cells.
- Contusions: A contusion is essentially a bruised brain that occurs when the head is hit and there is bleeding in the brain.
- Hematomas: This kind of head injury is what happens when there is damage to the brain’s outer blood vessels. When the head is hit, these blood vessels start bleeding and clots can form. If the pressure from the bleeding and clots is not relieved, it can result in permanent brain damage.
- Fractured Skull: As the name suggests, a fractured skull is a head injury that occurs when the bone of the skull breaks or fractures. These types of injuries can be especially dangerous if fragments of the skull bone end up puncturing the brain.
Why Are Head Injuries Like a Fractured Skull So Common in Slip and Fall Accidents?
Fractured skull injuries and other head injuries are common in slip and fall accidents because of the nature of these types of accidents. Usually, a slip or trip occurs unexpectedly, causing a person to lose their balance and fall to the ground. And when this happens, it is common for them to have little time to react, which means they end up falling and hitting their head.
For example, if someone slips on a wet floor, it is common for their feet to go out from under them while their upper body tips backward, which usually results in them falling on their back and then hitting their head on the floor. However, someone can also slip or trip forward and hit the top or the front of their head against something in front of them.
Head injuries are also common when falls occur from great heights, such as falling from a landing or slipping and falling down a flight of stairs. These kinds of falls can be a shock to the system, catching the victim off-guard, and they often have no way to stop themselves from hitting their head when they land.
Slip and Fall Head Injury Settlements
Slip and fall accident cases can be tricky, as they require you to prove that the property owner was responsible for the accident. Just because you slipped and fell on someone’s property does not automatically make that property owner responsible. You must be able to prove that the property owner played a hand in your slip and fall accident.
So, if you intend to file a claim to recover a settlement for your head injury, you will need to work with an attorney who can help you gather evidence to prove that the property owner was responsible for what happened.
In these cases, to do this, you must prove the following:
- That a hazard existed on the property.
- That the property owner was aware of the hazard or should have reasonably been aware of it.
- That the owner had time to address the hazard but failed to do so.
- The hazard they failed to address was the direct cause of your injury.
If you and your attorney can provide sufficient evidence to prove the above, then you will likely win your case and be awarded a settlement. However, the amount of money you recover will also depend on the damages you have suffered, which you will also need to provide evidence for. Such damages can include:
- Medical expenses
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Lost wages
- Loss of consortium
Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery — Indianapolis Slip and Fall Attorneys
If you or someone you love suffered a head injury in a slip and fall accident, the Indianapolis personal injury lawyers at Poynter & Bucheri can help. While proving fault in these cases can be challenging, it is not impossible. We can help you gather the necessary evidence to build a strong case so you can rest easy knowing you’ll get the compensation you deserve.
Don’t hesitate — one of our experienced attorneys can assist you right away. Call 1-800-265-9881 for a free case review.