Distracted Driving: Texting While Driving Accidents

Despite Indiana passing a Hands-Free Law in 2020 to crack down on texting while driving accidents, these incidents continue to be an issue. Since 2020, reports say that over 14,000 citations have been issued for drivers who were using their phones.  Additional data shows that crashes and fatalities involving distracted drivers also increased during that… Read more »

car accident settlement process

The Car Accident Settlement Process in Indiana

What you’ll learn from this article: Did you know you can collect compensation for a car accident without setting foot in court? Most car accident claims end in negotiated agreements between the parties. With the right legal support, you can secure valuable compensation for your injuries, car damage, lost wages, and other losses. Here’s what… Read more »

broken hand car accident settlement

Could You Receive a Broken Hand Car Accident Settlement?

What you’ll learn from this article: Your fingers, hands, and wrists can easily be fractured in the force of a car accident. During the crash, you might suddenly grab the dashboard or brace yourself against the door without realizing you’re putting your hands at risk.  Even if you weren’t the driver, you could be suffering… Read more »

Jaw Pain From Whiplash After a Car Accident

Car accidents can cause victims to sustain numerous types of injuries ranging from mild to fatal. One especially common injury is whiplash. Whiplash usually occurs when a person’s head whips back and forth in a sudden motion, causing strain and damage to the soft tissues of the neck. This sudden trauma is common in car… Read more »

what to do if you hit a deer

What to Do if You Hit a Deer

Collisions involving wildlife happen more often than you might think. According to Indiana’s Division of Fish and Wildlife, more than 14,000 collisions yearly involve deer. These kinds of collisions are particularly common in suburban areas with fields, forests, and other wooded areas.  But what happens when you hit a deer? Are these kinds of collisions… Read more »

what is the main cause of rear end accidents

What is the Main Cause of Rear-End Crashes in Indiana?

What you’ll learn from this article: A rear end crash takes place in the blink of an eye and leaves you wondering, “What just happened?” It’s a shocking situation that happens thousands of times every day across the United States. Rear-end collisions account for 28% of all U.S. motor vehicle crashes and approximately 1.4 million… Read more »

can you report a drunk driver after the fact

Can You Report a Drunk Driver After the Fact?

In 2020, there were 106 fatal drunk-driving collisions in Indiana. These incidents caused 124 deaths. Driving while intoxicated is never acceptable and is extremely dangerous to both the impaired driver and those on the road around them.  If you notice a vehicle driving erratically on the street, should you notify the police? If you suspect… Read more »