Do You Know What To Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in Indiana?

Falls can occur on private property, commercial property, and government or public property. Regardless of the property’s ownership, you have the right to expect the premises to be safe as a visitor. If the property owner’s negligence causes a person to be injured, the owner may be held liable under Indiana’s premises liability laws. However,… Read more »

Double Car Accident

What To Do If You Are In An Automobile Accident

Do you know what to do when involved in an automobile accident? When a car collision happens, injuries may be severe and emotions may be high. However, there are important things that must be taken care of both at the scene of any accident and following an accident. The following is a list of things… Read more »

Automobile Insurance Adjuster

Understanding Automobile Insurance

Trying to understand all the terms used in relation to insurance, particularly automobile insurance, can be a difficult task. In many cases, terms relating to your automobile insurance are defined within your policy. In other cases, words come up in conversation with your insurance agent. Or perhaps, after you are involved in a car accident.  Some… Read more »

Personal Injury Claim Form

What to Expect When Making a Claim

An Insurance Claim can be a complicated process and full of unpleasant surprises and frustrating delays. Don’t forget, the insurer only makes money if it doesn’t have to pay out money. Even with the most established companies, there is almost always going to be some resistance to paying your claim. Also, it behooves insurers to… Read more »