whose fault is it when a car t boned you

Whose Fault Is It When a Car T-Boned You?

A T-bone car accident can have serious or even fatal consequences. These crashes often cause severe injuries that leave victims with debilitating conditions, some of which may never fully heal. This leaves you wondering, whose fault is it when a car T-Boned you? If you’ve just been in a T-bone car accident or another collision,… Read more »

how much compensation for a broken arm

How Much Is Compensation for a Broken Arm?

Whether serious crashes or simple fender benders, car accidents can cause a lot of personal stress and hassle. This can range from damage to your car to injuries to yourself. One common car accident injury is broken bones. Broken bones can lead to all sorts of complications and worries–from doctor visits to time away from… Read more »

how long should you be sore after a motorcycle accident

How Long Should You Be Sore After a Motorcycle Accident?

Riding a motorcycle can be exhilarating, but also dangerous. Motorcycle crashes can result in devastating injuries, and muscle injuries are among the most common and debilitating consequences. Whether it’s due to the sheer impact of the collision, the force of the fall, or the subsequent strain on the body, muscle injuries can significantly impact a… Read more »

slip and fall in a apartment complex

Slip and Fall: Apartment Complex

As a tenant, you rightfully expect apartment complex owners and managers and your landlord to properly maintain all buildings and common areas. However, when negligent property maintenance leads to dangerous conditions, tenants can easily slip, trip, and fall—resulting in serious injuries. If you suffered a slip and fall accident at your apartment building, you may… Read more »

slip and fall sprained ankle settlement

Slip and Fall Sprained Ankle Settlement

Slip and fall accidents occur every day, and they can result in incredibly painful and even debilitating injuries, including many types of ankle injuries. If you’ve experienced a slip and fall accident that resulted in an ankle injury that was caused by a property owner’s negligence, you might wonder if you could file a personal… Read more »

falling while pregnant

Falling While Pregnant: Slip and Fall Accidents

For an expecting mother-to-be, falling while pregnant is a scary situation. Even a minor fall can cause significant slip and fall injuries to the mother and baby. Did you slip and fall while pregnant? Below, Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery presents some of the most common questions about falling during pregnancy and what to watch… Read more »

dog bite infection

Dog Bite Infection Guide

Domesticated dogs are often friendly, but even the sweetest dog can become aggressive under certain circumstances. It’s not uncommon for approachable and seemingly harmless dogs to lash out unexpectedly, causing serious harm to victims.   If you just suffered a dog bite, it’s important to seek medical attention. The dog bite alone can cause serious bleeding… Read more »

pregnant car accident

The Risks of Getting Rear Ended While Pregnant

Getting into a car accident when you are pregnant is one of the scariest things you can experience, even if it’s a minor, low-impact car accident without serious injuries. Doctors and pregnancy experts teach automobile safety tips that reduce the chance of injury in most car crashes, like wearing your lap belt and not texting… Read more »