What are the leading causes of injury for a Cyclist?

What Are the Leading Causes of Injury for a Cyclist?

Bicycling is a popular activity in Indiana, especially in Indianapolis. Whether you bike for exercise, leisure, or your commute, there are many health and environmental benefits to cycling. It’s no surprise that as people discover the joys of cycling, we see more and more cyclists on the roads in Marion County.  Unfortunately, cycling also carries… Read more »

What happens if a bike hits you?

What Happens If a Bike Hits You In Indiana?

Unfortunately, bicycle accidents are becoming more common in Indiana. When a bike collides with a pedestrian, there can be severe consequences, including injuries, medical expenses, property damage, and sometimes death. Poynter & Bucheri created this article to explain your legal options if the driver of a bicycle hits you in Indiana. It explores the legal… Read more »

what to do after a bike accident

What to Do After a Bike Accident

Biking offers a healthy and eco-friendly alternative to driving, but, tragically, many cyclists suffer from serious or even fatal injuries every year. Although some of these individuals were injured due to serious bicycle falls, numerous others were struck by vehicles.  The National Safety Council stated that 806 bicyclists were killed in motor vehicle traffic accidents… Read more »

Sharing the Road: Are Bike Lanes Really Safe?

Sharing the Road: Are Bike Lanes Really Safe?

The draws of opting for a bicycle over a car are hard to ignore. When you choose to commute via a bicycle, you don’t have to pay for insurance or gas, they’re lightweight and portable, and not to mention you get some great cardio in as well. This does not, however, exclude bicyclists from hazards… Read more »

Bicycle Accidents Caused By Driving Distractions in Indiana

Bicycle Accidents Caused By Driving Distractions in Indiana

Cycling is becoming increasingly common these days. In fact, many riders have started to opt for bicycling to commute around town instead of driving or using public transportation. And there has been an especially large increase in bicyclists on the road since the pandemic, as cycling is a more socially distant and healthy way to… Read more »