Facial Trauma After a Slip and Fall Accident

slip and fall attorney indianapolis

A facial injury is one of the most frightening types of slip-and-fall accidents. An otherwise normal day is turned upside down as you find yourself tumbling face-first toward the ground. It is important to call a slip and fall attorney in Indianapolis right away.

While most facial injuries are non-lethal, they’re often psychologically devastating because the face is so prominent in one’s daily life. Facial trauma brings a significant risk of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), plus challenges like expensive medical bills and extensive recovery time.

How Does Facial Trauma Happen in a Slip and Fall Accident?

When someone trips and falls, their face may take the brunt of the impact as they hit the ground or a nearby object. In the medical community, this is known as a maxillofacial injury and includes any injury to the face, mouth, or jawbone.

Common maxillofacial injuries from falling include:

  • Broken teeth
  • Split lips
  • Tongue trauma
  • Nasal fractures
  • Orbital (eye socket) damage
  • Damaged gums
  • Jaw fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries

The Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research found that the severity of facial damage is influenced by two main factors: the age of the person and the nature of the fall. Slipping, tripping, or stumbling (STOS) is the most frequent cause of maxillofacial fractures and is more common than loss-of-consciousness falls, stair-related falls, and height-related falls.

slip and fall accidents

Older adults are at a high risk of facial trauma due to their overall higher risk of injuries from tripping and falling. Children and young adults are at elevated risk of facial trauma during activities like team sports.

The CDC reports that about 800,000 people are hospitalized each year due to falls in a variety of environments. In a typical slip-and-fall accident, someone might stumble over loose carpeting or slip on icy pavement and strike their face on something. Another common form of slip-and-fall facial injury is falling into a door or doorway.

Common locations of slip-and-fall accidents with facial trauma include:

Spilled liquids and greasy surfaces are common culprits in accidents with facial trauma. When someone slips on such an unsafe surface, it’s difficult for them to break their fall and they may hit the floor chin-first.

Common causes of falls with facial trauma include:

  • Clutter and debris
  • Cords and cables strung across walkways
  • Inadequate lighting 
  • Slippery floors from spilled liquids
  • Leaking freezers and display cases
  • Icy pathways and sidewalks
  • Loose and damaged flooring
  • Objects protruding from display areas
  • Pallets and packing materials on the floor
  • Defective fixtures, cabinets, shelving, and shopping carts
  • Poorly maintained equipment like escalators and doors
  • Wobbly and missing handrails

Indiana Slip and Fall Laws

In Indiana, slip-and-fall accident cases involve the legal concepts of premises liability and negligence. Property owners are responsible for providing safety and shouldn’t allow dangerous circumstances to persist for customers, employees, residents, and the public. 

Liability often depends on whether the property owner’s negligence led to the person’s fall. A finding of negligence or non-negligence centers around whether the property owner knew about a dangerous condition and made a reasonable effort to address it.

All business owners, homeowners, landlords, and property managers should check their properties regularly to ensure they are reasonably free of danger. Any tripping hazards, slick surfaces, loose flooring, or other hazards must be addressed immediately.

In some cases, the person who fell is held partially responsible for what happened. This is known as “contributory fault” and under Indiana Code 34-51-2-6, if the injured person’s contributory fault is greater than the property owner’s fault, the injured person is barred from recovery of damages.

When an injured person is eligible for recovery of damages, they may seek payment from the property owner or their insurance company. Under Indiana premises liability laws, injured people may claim economic and noneconomic damages for facial injuries in slip-and-fall accidents.

Financial damages in slip-and-fall accidents with facial trauma:

  • Medical bills and expenses, including surgeries, equipment, hospital visits, therapy, and follow-up care.
  • Loss of income, loss of future income, and decreased earning potential.
  • Out-of-pocket costs, like medications, in-home assistance, and modifications to accommodate the facial injury
  • Permanent facial disability or facial impairment 

Noneconomic damages in slip-and-fall accidents with facial trauma:

  • Disfigurement and scarring
  • Physical discomfort and pain
  • Permanent impairments, including speech impediments
  • Mental anguish and emotional distress
  • Phobias, such as a fear of falling face-first
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If you’re injured on someone’s property, notify them immediately and seek medical care for your injuries right away. Under Indiana Code section 34-11-2-4, you have two years from the date of your injury to seek personal injury compensation.

Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery – Slip and Fall Attorney Indianapolis

Do you need a slip-and-fall attorney in Indianapolis? To learn more and request a free case review, contact Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery at 1-800-265-9881.