Am I Required to Provide a Recorded Statement For My Indianapolis Accident Claim?

When you are in a traffic accident that is not your fault, an adjuster for the other driver’s insurance company contacts you about your injury claim. The adjuster may tell you that he cannot process your claim until you provide a recorded statement for the record. In some cases, an adjuster may put a great deal of pressure on you to provide the recorded statement. He may say you cannot receive any money for medical bills, car repairs, or loss of income until you provide a recorded statement.
First, you do not receive money for your injury claim until the settlement of the claim. Therefore, providing the recorded statement is not going to put money in your pocket any faster. Second, a recorded statement may not be in your best interest, but the insurance adjuster will not tell you this fact.
Therefore, we urge you to contact our Indianapolis accident attorneys before consenting to a recorded statement. Recorded statements are often tools used by insurance companies to deny or undervalue claims.
Do not fall for this insurance tactic. Protect your right to recover full compensation by calling (317) 780-8000 now to schedule a free consultation with a PBAR injury lawyer.
Why Does the Insurance Company Want a Recorded Statement?
A recorded statement can help the insurance company in several ways. First, a recorded statement can impeach you on the stand if your story changes during testimony at trial. By making you appear unreliable as a witness, an attorney can cast doubt on your entire testimony in the minds of the jury members. In the days and weeks after an accident, you are taking medication that can impair your concentration. It may be difficult to provide an accurate statement when you are in pain and taking medication. Therefore, you avoid making any statements until you are in a better position to focus on the questions asked and your answers to those questions.
Another reason for a recorded statement is to obtain damaging information from you. An insurance adjuster asks a variety of questions about the crash and your injuries. However, he may also “chat” with you about your day. He wants to you feel at ease as if you are speaking to a friend. For instance, if the adjuster can get you to admit you were not feeling well, he may ask you what cold medicine you take because he needs a good cold medicine. You innocently respond with the brand of OTC cold and flu medicine you took the night before the crash to get some rest. Unfortunately, the insurance company now has a detail it can use to argue you were drowsy that morning and may have contributed to the cause of the crash.
Another example is admitting you were rushed or running late for an appointment. The insurance company will argue you were speeding at the time of the crash. As you can see, many of the “innocent” topics you may discuss during a recorded statement could be used against you later in the case.
Call Our Indianapolis Accident Lawyer BEFORE You Agree to a Recorded Statement
If the insurance adjuster requests a recorded statement, call our office immediately to speak with a PBAR staff member. You can also chat with a representative 24/7 online to get the help you need now!
Trusting an insurance adjuster for the other driver may be detrimental to your case. Only trust an experienced Poynter & Bucheri, LLC attorney who wants to protect you and your family.
Call 1-800-265-9881 or (317) 780-8000 to request your free consultation with an Indianapolis insurance claims attorney.