What Are the Leading Causes of Injury for a Cyclist?

What are the leading causes of injury for a Cyclist?

Bicycling is a popular activity in Indiana, especially in Indianapolis. Whether you bike for exercise, leisure, or your commute, there are many health and environmental benefits to cycling. It’s no surprise that as people discover the joys of cycling, we see more and more cyclists on the roads in Marion County. 

Unfortunately, cycling also carries some risks. Unsafe drivers and poorly maintained roads cause accidents every year throughout the state, and these accidents can be life-altering. Bike accidents don’t just cause physical injuries; they are also very expensive. 

Let’s explore the leading causes of injury for cyclists in Indiana – and how you can recover compensation for damages if your accident was caused by someone else’s negligence. 

Collision with a Vehicle

One of the most common causes of serious injuries and fatalities for cyclists is colliding with a motor vehicle. This can cause injuries no matter how fast or slow the vehicle is driving. Of course, larger and faster vehicles have the potential to cause more catastrophic damage to a cyclist’s body. 

Common accident scenarios include: 

  • A vehicle failing to yield right-of-way while turning, entering the roadway, etc.
  • A vehicle driving too close to a cyclist
  • A vehicle’s driver being distracted or impaired

Cyclist Falls & Accidents

Sometimes, there are no other vehicles or people involved, and a cyclist will still crash. This can happen when a cyclist is distracted or inexperienced, but these falls can also be caused by negligence. 

These are some examples of how negligence can cause a cyclist to crash: 

  • Mechanical failures due to faulty manufacturing
  • Unmarked road hazards
  • Debris in the road
  • Lack of adequate lighting on roadways

Getting “Doored” by a Parked Car

cyclist injury

Being “doored” by a parked car is a frustrating accident because it is so preventable. When a driver or passenger of a parked vehicle opens their door into the path of a passing cyclist, the cyclist can be thrown from their bike or seriously injured by the door. 

Although cyclists are responsible for providing space when passing parked cars, drivers and passengers may be held responsible if a reasonable person would have known to check their windows and mirrors before exiting the vehicle. 

Accidents at Intersections

Intersections are high-risk areas for accidents between cyclists and vehicles. Turning vehicles may not see a cyclist, or they may disobey traffic signals to get through the intersection quickly. 

Cyclists must obey traffic signals and laws, but so must cars. A negligent driver who fails to observe a cyclist or who doesn’t respect the cyclist’s right of way can be held liable by the courts, especially if they caused significant damage to the cyclist through their negligence.  

Road Hazards 

Potholes, debris, and uneven surfaces can cause crashes. Municipalities have an obligation to maintain safe roads for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Failing to do so can result in spills, crashes, and major injuries. 

If a city knows about a risk to cyclists and fails to address it, a personal injury attorney may be able to help you hold them responsible for their failure to act.

Common Types of Cycling Injuries

cyclist deaths

Cycling accident injuries can range from minor to catastrophic. 

Minor Injuries:

  • Road rash/abrasions
  • Bruises/contusions
  • Sprains (wrist, ankle, etc.)
  • Minor lacerations/cuts

Moderate Injuries:

  • Fractured bones (clavicle, arm, leg, etc.)
  • Dislocated joints
  • Strained/torn muscles
  • Moderate lacerations requiring stitches
  • Mild concussion

Severe Injuries:

  • Skull fractures/Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injuries/paralysis
  • Internal organ damage/internal bleeding
  • Compound fractures/open broken bones
  • Facial fractures/dental injuries
  • Severe lacerations/amputations
  • Permanent scarring/disfigurement

Life-Threatening Injuries: 

Even minor injuries can have a big impact on your life, because you may have to miss work, pay expensive medical bills, and deal with ongoing therapies and rehabilitation. If you had to receive emergency medical care or transportation to the hospital, you could face thousands of dollars in expenses. 

Because of this, you may decide to seek compensation from an experienced bicycle accident attorney. 

Fatal Bicycle Accidents

Tragically, there are bicycle accident fatalities on Indiana’s roads every year. When a crash causes the death of a cyclist, the victim’s family may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. A settlement or court award will never be enough to replace the loss of your loved one, but it can soften the financial burden of such an unfair loss. It can empower you to hold people responsible for causing this tragic loss in your life. 

Common Types of Compensation After an Accident 

Your attorney can help you determine how much compensation you deserve because of the accident. Your settlement amount will depend on the severity of your injuries and the costs of your recovery. Choosing a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney will maximize your compensation amount.

Economic Damages:

  • Medical expenses (emergency care, hospitalization, surgery, medications, rehabilitation)
  • Future medical costs for ongoing treatment
  • Lost wages from time off work
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Property damage (bicycle, clothing, gear, etc.)
  • Home modification costs for disabilities
  • Cost of hiring household/personal care services

Non-Economic Damages:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Permanent disfigurement or scarring
  • Loss of consortium (for spouses)

Wrongful Death Damages (if the accident resulted in fatality):

  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Loss of future income/benefits
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of care, nurturing, guidance
  • Surviving family’s pain and suffering

Poynter & Bucheri Are Ready to Support Indianapolis’s Injured Cyclists

The attorneys at Poynter & Bucheri are prepared to protect the rights of cyclists who have been injured in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. 

Cyclists have a right to Indiana’s roadways, and you deserve compensation for any injuries caused by negligent parties, including other cyclists, drivers of motor vehicles, municipalities, and more. 

Our team works on contingency, which means that you will never pay a dime unless we win your case. There is no risk in reaching out and scheduling a free case review so that we can look at the details of your accident and understand how your life has been affected by your injuries. 

Contact Poynter & Bucheri today at 1-800-265-9881 to schedule your free case review!