Navigational Apps and Pedestrian Safety

Navigational Apps and Pedestrian Safety

Walking is a wonderful form of exercise that is also great for the planet. Today there are walking and navigation apps available to help you find new routes and experience parts of where you live that you might not normally visit, all while ensuring that you don’t get lost. 

GPS and navigation apps are also helpful to drivers who want to ensure they are taking the fastest route to their destination. However, using these navigation and fitness apps to get your daily walk in or on your drive can also open you up to danger. 

Read on to learn more about navigational apps and pedestrian safety and what to do if you are injured by a driver who is utilizing a navigational app at the time of the accident.

Do Navigational Apps Pose a Safety Risk?

Navigational Apps and Pedestrian Safety

One of the biggest risks that navigational apps pose is that it raises the number of drivers using side streets and going through residential areas. This can lead to more pedestrian injuries caused by car accidents, as drivers unfamiliar with the area pose more risks to unsuspecting pedestrians.

For drivers, navigational apps pose a distraction risk. Drivers can become distracted when looking at the apps for directions. They are also more likely to be distracted by messages from their phone as they are already looking at the screen and might follow the directions without necessarily taking account of their surroundings. Most drivers put too much faith in the accuracy of navigational devices rather than paying attention to road signs and other postings.

Mitigating the Risk

Navigational Apps and Pedestrian Safety

How can drivers mitigate some of these risks? For one, they can use separate GPS devices that are not attached to their screen. They can also enable voice alerts so they do not need to look away from the road. 

When using a walking app, walkers might be distracted by their phones when they are looking at the directions. This often leads to pedestrians crossing roads while distracted, not to mention diminished awareness of general surroundings. 

Additionally, some navigational apps don’t factor in potential dangers, including areas of road where sidewalks disappear or particularly busy roads that may not be safe for pedestrians to cross. As a pedestrian, it’s your responsibility to stay focused on the surroundings, checking your app minimally and only when in safe areas where you can step to the side. 

Finally, keep in mind that apps are sometimes inaccurate. Be prepared to use a backup app as necessary and always ensure your phone is fully charged if walking in unfamiliar areas.

What Should You Do if Injured in a Car Accident Caused by a Navigational App?

When pedestrians are struck by cars, injuries can range from mild to severe. Pedestrians are far more likely to be seriously injured than drivers when a vehicle strikes them. When a driver is distracted by their navigation app or driving in an area that they are unfamiliar with because of the app, the accident could be determined to be due to the driver’s negligence

Call the Police

When a driver is proven negligent, the injured party is more likely to receive a fair settlement for the damages they have suffered in the accident. If you or a loved one have been injured, it is essential to contact the police. A police report will play a big part in a personal injury case, should it come to that. 

See a Doctor

You also need to be assessed as soon as possible by a medical professional. Remember that not all injuries are visible; you must get examined by a doctor to determine the extent of your injuries. Being bumped, even by a slowly moving vehicle, can cause internal bruising, hairline fractures, and, in some extreme cases, even internal bleeding. 

Contact an Attorney

Additionally, if you have been injured in a car accident as a pedestrian, you should contact a personal injury lawyer. A pedestrian accident lawyer can help you assess your case, file paperwork, and represent you in court. 

Fair settlements often hinge on having enough evidence to prove negligence on the part of the driver. A lawyer can help you find eyewitnesses to the accident, obtain police reports after the accident, talk to nearby businesses to get security or camera footage, and support you during your case so that you can focus on healing rather than the stresses of your claim.

Need Assistance? Poynter & Bucheri Can Help

If you’ve been injured in Indiana, reach out to the experienced team at Poynter & Bucheri. With years of experience helping injured pedestrians receive fair settlements, they are here to support you.  

Call (800) 265-9881 to schedule your free case review with one of their pedestrian accident attorneys.