Rideshare Passenger Rights after an Accident

rideshare passenger accident

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft provide Maryland residents with convenient transportation, but what happens if you are a passenger in an Uber car accident? Who’s liable for your injuries?

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t so simple. It depends on various factors, including who caused the accident and the driver’s liability coverage. Because these situations are often complicated, consider contacting an experienced personal injury attorney to assist you with your case. 

Regardless of whether you choose to contact an attorney, you need to know what to do if you were a passenger in an Uber car accident and what steps you need to take to recover compensation. In this blog, we’ll explore who may be financially liable for your injuries and what to do after an accident. 

What To Do If Your Uber Crashes

If you were just involved in a rideshare accident, the most important step you need to take is to ensure that you and the others are okay. Assess whether you require emergency medical attention. You may need prompt medical attention if you suffer from:

  • Severe bleeding
  • A head injury 
  • Trouble breathing
  • Broken bones
  • Numbness
  • Serious abdominal pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Burn injuries
  • Signs of shock, such as rapid breathing, quick pulse, weakness, and confusion

Once you assess your condition, you can check to see if anyone else involved in the crash requires medical attention. If you or another person needs help, call 911 immediately. 

If no one requires medical attention, you or someone else involved in the collision should contact the police. The police will create an accident report that you can use as evidence when filing your personal injury claim. Eventually, you’ll likely file a claim against the rideshare driver or another motorist involved in the accident, so you need to have sufficient evidence indicating that they’re at fault. 

While you wait for the police to arrive, collect the names, contact information, and insurance information of the rideshare driver as well as any other motorists involved in the collision. 

You can also take photos and videos of the accident’s aftermath and note any other cameras that may have recorded the incident, such as a traffic camera or a private security camera. Additionally, interview eyewitnesses about what they saw occur and record their names and contact information. All of this evidence will help you prove your personal injury claim. 

Can Uber Car Accident Passengers Recover Compensation?

You should be able to recover compensation for any injuries that you suffered in the accident. Depending on the situation, you can recover money for past and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of future earnings, and more. 

Although you have every right to file a claim to recover compensation, it might be unclear who to file against. Firstly, was the rideshare driver or another motorist responsible for the accident? If another motorist is responsible, you’ll file a claim with their insurance. They should have personal liability insurance to cover some or all of your damages. 

If the rideshare driver was responsible for your injuries, an an uber car accident passenger, you’ll file a claim with their insurance. Uber and Lyft consider their rideshare drivers independent contractors, and the companies often deny liability for their drivers’ actions. Further, Maryland requires all rideshare drivers to have a minimum of $100,000 in personal liability insurance, so their coverage may be able to cover your expenses.  

Can I Recover Damages from Uber or Lyft?

While $100,000 may sound like more than enough to cover your personal injury expenses, you need to remember that a serious injury can impact many different aspects of your life. It may keep you from working for an extended period, or you may require ongoing surgeries and prescriptions that add up fast. 

Fortunately, you can file a claim against Uber or Lyft if the rideshare driver’s insurance doesn’t pay for all of your expenses. These rideshare companies offer up to $1,000,000 in coverage. 

This coverage also applies if your rideshare driver was involved in a collision with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, and it applies to hit-and-run accidents. 

Why You Need an Attorney After a Rideshare Crash

If you were injured in an Uber accident, it’s important for you to get in touch with an attorney who has experience with rideshare collisions. An attorney can help you recover compensation for your injuries and related expenses, whether you file against the rideshare driver, another motorist, or the rideshare company. 

When filing a personal injury claim, the liable party’s insurance company will likely attempt to reduce the amount of compensation you can recover. After all, these insurance companies are for-profit businesses, so they want to save money whenever possible. This is another reason why enlisting the help of a lawyer is crucial — they can help you get the most money possible for your injuries. They do this by helping you:

  • Collect evidence
  • File your claim
  • Negotiate a higher settlement

That way, you can recoup your financial losses and maximize compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

For experienced personal injury lawyers in Indianapolis you can count on, contact Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery. Our team is available to talk 24/7, and we even offer free case consultations. Call us today at 1-800-265-9881 to get started with your case.