When Is It the Most Dangerous to Drive?

No matter how safe a driver you may be, there is no guarantee you won’t ever be in an accident. Numerous other factors can increase the risk of being in an accident aside from our own driving abilities. This can include other drivers on the road, traffic congestion, weather, certain intersections or other more dangerous areas, and even the time of day. So, when is it the most dangerous to drive?
Before you get in your car, it’s always helpful to know what potential risks or dangers you may encounter to ensure you are the most prepared. We often get in our cars without really giving anything else much thought except our own driving, but this lack of concern or awareness for other factors outside of our control can lead to an accident.
If you do happen to be involved in a collision, make sure you consult with an experienced Indianapolis car accident attorney. At Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery, we have years of experience helping victims of various kinds of accidents and are dedicated to helping our clients successfully win their cases and get the settlements they deserve.
Traffic Accidents in Indianapolis
Traffic accidents can and do happen anywhere at any time. However, most states report things like “most dangerous times of day to drive” and “where the most dangerous intersections are” to help mitigate future accidents and improve traffic safety. No matter where you drive, there are always places that are more hazardous and pose more of a risk, and there also tend to be certain times of day when the most accidents occur.
So it’s beneficial for drivers to pay attention to these reports from their local traffic and safety organizations. In Indianapolis, for example, one of the most dangerous intersections is at 38th and Guion Rd, where 38th runs parallel to I-65 and there is an exit ramp. Marion County as a whole is also reported to have a high number of accidents in the area, with the majority occurring due to speeding and alcohol use.
As for when the most accidents occur, Indiana Traffic Safety shows that January is the worst month for drivers, with around 4,717 accidents. February comes in as the second-worst month, with 2,718 collisions, followed by November with 2,344.
Overall, When Is It the Most Dangerous to Drive?
Every year, traffic data is collected by AAA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety to help inform drivers and keep them safe. These national organizations tend to conduct more thorough research that often provides more accurate data, so it’s beneficial to pay attention to both local and national reports to keep yourself and others safe when driving.
According to data, the following are the most dangerous times for drivers to be on the road:
- Most dangerous time of day: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. during evening rush hour and 12 a.m. – 4 a.m.
- Most dangerous day of the week: Saturday
- Most dangerous month: August, followed by September and June. Memorial Day to Labor day is considered the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer.
- Most dangerous date: Fourth of July
- Most dangerous holiday weekend: Thanksgiving
- Most dangerous season: Winter
Where Do Most Traffic Accidents Occur?
There is also a general list of areas that are typically reported as the most dangerous places to drive, no matter what state you live in. These include:
Though stoplights and stop signs are meant to make intersections safer, accidents still occur in high numbers in these areas. This is likely due to the fact that it is a place where many drivers come together and intersect one anothers’ paths. When you have multidirectional traffic, accidents are more likely to occur. Drivers also do not always pay attention to signs and lights and will often purposely ignore right-of-way laws, which makes it more likely for an accident to occur at an intersection.
Parking Lots
Parking lots are also quite dangerous for drivers and pedestrians. As these areas tend to have lots of cars in one condensed area, it is much easier for accidents to occur. Collisions are especially common in parking lots when drivers are backing out of parking spaces and while pedestrians or other drivers are behind them.
Rural Highways
Though urban cities are more congested and thus have more traffic, rural areas tend to be more dangerous. This is likely because rural roads tend to have higher speed limits, and people tend to pay less attention because there is less traffic around them. However, even though there are fewer cars on the road, rural accidents happen more often and are typically severe or fatal due to the high speeds.
How the Personal Injury Attorneys at Poynter & Bucheri Accident Recovery Can Help
If you are involved in an accident, our team can review your case and offer you guidance on how best to proceed. Personal injury cases can be overwhelming, but as an injured victim, you have a right to file a claim and receive compensation to help cover the cost of medical expenses and other damages. We will help walk you through the process to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones.
Don’t hesitate — one of our experienced attorneys can assist you right away. Call 1-800-265-9881 for a free case review.