How to Avoid Left Turn Accidents

How to avoid left turn accidents

Taking a left turn, especially somewhere busy, can require an understanding of local road laws as well as the ability to predict other drivers’ responses. Due to these factors, left turns frequently lead to car accidents. Intersection accidents account for about half of all traffic injuries in the United States. Understanding how to avoid left turn accidents is vital to keeping you, your vehicle, and others safe when driving.

What Are Common Left Turn Accident Causes?

Failures to yield are a major cause of accidents involving left turns. These yield issues include the following types.

Not Yielding to Oncoming Traffic

How to avoid left turn accidents

If you are at an intersection with a green left turn arrow, then you have the right of way to make your turn. However, if there is no turn arrow, or if the arrow has not changed to green, then you must yield to all other vehicles. This type of accident is typically a left turn T-bone accident or a head-on collision. Both of these types of accidents bring the risk of severe injuries.

Failing to Signal

Driving laws can fluctuate by state, so it’s important when traveling to brush up on any differences. However, in Indiana, drivers are required by law to give a proper signal at least 200 feet before they make a turn. If going at higher speeds of above 50 MPH, then you are required to signal at least 300 feet before your turn. Failure to properly use turn signals can result in accidents such as rear-end collisions.

Not Using the Correct Lane

When there is a turn lane available, you should always use it. Additionally, if there is a turn lane and you do not use it and make a turn from another lane you are more likely to be involved in an accident.

Who Is at Fault in Left Turn Accidents?

While it is likely that the person making the left turn will bear some portion of responsibility, there are exceptions to this. 

These exceptions include:

  • The other driver is speeding
  • The other driver is impaired, such as under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • The other driver ran a red light
  • The other driver failed to yield when it was your legal right to make the turn
  • The other driver has taken unexpected action, such as swerving or exiting their lane

What Should I Do If a Car Hit Me While Turning Left?

How to avoid left turn accidents

If you are involved in a left turn accident, in addition to filing a police report and going to the hospital if needed, you should also contact your accident attorney.

A car accident attorney can help you with filing insurance claims, filling out necessary paperwork, and representing you in court if needed. 

If you’ve suffered a personal injury in the accident, an accident attorney is even more essential as they can help ensure that you receive a fair legal settlement for the left turn accident damage done. At Poynter & Bucheri, our team of lawyers has been dealing with accident cases for years.

Our knowledge of Indiana traffic laws will help make your case go as smoothly as possible. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, call 1-800-265-9881 or (317) 780-8000 now to speak with a Poynter & Bucheri representative.