Indianapolis Summertime Motorcycle Safety

Safety is one of the most common topics we discuss when choosing topics for blogs. Sadly, motorcyclists have a high risk of injury or death in a traffic crash because of the lack of protection offered by the vehicle. Furthermore, many motorcycle accidents are caused by other motorists, so the cause of the crash is not within the control of the motorcyclist. As summer is almost upon us in Indianapolis, our Indianapolis motorcycle accident attorneys believe it is a good time to review the top seven summertime motorcycle safety tips that could help reduce the risk of injury or death for riders throughout Indiana. Remember, you cannot control another driver’s reckless and negligent behavior behind the wheel, but you can take extra precautions to stay safe as you enjoy motorcycling in Indiana this summer.
Top Five Summertime Motorcycle Safety Tips
1. Know and Understand Indiana’s Motorcycle Laws
It is always a good idea to review the Motorcycle Operator Manual. The website for Ride Safe Indiana has information about motorcycling in Indiana, including information about an Advanced Skills Motorcycle Training Course. If you have not had that much experience riding a motorcycle, a training course can help teach you the skills you need to know to stay safe.
2. Wear the Right Motorcycle Helmet for You
Indiana law requires that all riders under the age of 18 years wear a helmet and eye protection. Riders with a motorcycle learner’s permit must also wear a helmet. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of head injuries and death in a motorcycle accident, so we recommend wearing a motorcycle helmet that is correctly fitted for you each time you ride. It is estimated that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of death by 37 percent and brain injuries by 67 percent. The NHTSA provides a video describing how to choose the right helmet.
3. Wear Protective Clothing and Gear
Always dress for safety when riding a motorcycle, even during the summer. Gloves, boots, bright clothing, leather clothes, and long sleeves and pants can help reduce the risk of injury. Riders may also want to consider clothing equipped with airbags to provide another layer of protection in the event of a motorcycle crash.
4. Don’t Drink and Drive
A high percentage of fatal motorcycle accidents in 2016 involved alcohol. Riders involved in fatal accidents had the highest percentage of alcohol-impaired drivers compared to drivers of any other vehicle type. In single-vehicle crashes in 2016, thirty-seven percent of the motorcyclists who died were driving drunk. It is not worth the risk to try to operate a motorcycle under the influence of alcohol. If you plan to drink over the Memorial Day Weekend or July Fourth, arrange another way home.
5. Avoid Dehydration and Other Heat-Related Conditions
Riding on hot summer days can result in overheating, especially when riders have full protective gear on during the ride. Risks of riding in the summer heat include heat stroke, dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and severe sunburn. Road Runner has some great tips for riding during hot weather. Also, make sure you review the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness before riding. It might help you recognize a condition before the condition becomes worse.
Call Our Indianapolis Motorcycle Attorney if You are Injured in a Motorcycle Accident
Stay safe on the roads this summer, but if you are injured in a motorcycle accident, the legal team of Poynter & Bucheri is ready to help. Call 1-800-265-9881 or (317) 780-8000 to request your free consultation with an Indianapolis motorcycle accident lawyer.