Does Holiday Shopping Increase the Risk of a Parking Lot Accident in Indianapolis?

Are you ready for the holiday shopping season? Ready or not, Black Friday (which really begins on Thanksgiving Day now) is just a couple of weeks away. While you are searching for bargains, you need to be careful that you are not the victim of a parking lot accident.

Parking Lot Accident Claims Increase During the Holidays

According to the NSC, there are more than 50,000 parking lot accidents nationwide each year. Parking lot accidents result in over 60,000 injuries and 500 deaths annually.

However, during the holidays, the number of accidents in parking lots tend to increase. Insurance companies report an increase in the number of claims filed on Black Friday that continues through the holiday shopping season. In fact, the actual number of parking lot accidents during the holidays is probably higher because many people do not report the crashes.

Is a Parking Lot Accident Treated the Same As Other Accidents?

If you are involved in a parking lot accident, you need to treat the accident as you would an accident on the road. To recover compensation for damages, you must prove the other driver was at fault. Therefore, contact the police, take photographs of the accident scene, ask for eyewitness information, and never admit fault.

As with any car accident, you may need assistance proving fault. In a parking lot accident, both drivers may claim to be innocent in causing the crash. An Indianapolis parking lot accident attorney can help by investigating the cause of the crash to determine fault. Your attorney interviews eyewitnesses; reviews the evidence from the accident scene; and, searches for evidence to prove how the accident occurred. If the insurance adjuster for the other driver denies coverage, don’t assume that is the end of the matter.  Call the PBAR legal team to discuss your legal options.

Common Causes of Parking Lot Accidents

As with auto accidents on the road, there are various causes of parking lot accidents. Many of the causes of accidents in parking lots are the same causes of accidents on the road.

  • Distracted Driving
  • Speeding
  • Backing out without looking
  • Cutting off vehicles to get a parking space
  • Wrong way driving
  • Ignoring walkways and pedestrian right-of-way
  • Following too closely
  • Distracted pedestrians

When you are driving in a parking lot, you must remain alert and watch for pedestrians and vehicles pulling out of spaces. Looking down for just a second can result in a crash. Pedestrians must also be cautious. Even though a pedestrian may have the right of way, that does not mean a driver is going to stop. Pedestrians need to remain as alert as a driver in a parking lot to avoid an accident.

Compensation for a Parking Lot Accident

The compensation for a parking lot accident can be the same as the compensation you might receive for another type of auto accident. If you have medical expenses and lost wages, you can receive reimbursement for these expenses. The insurance company for the driver who caused the crash should pay to repair your vehicle. You might be entitled to compensation for your pain, suffering, and permanent impairment. Working with an experienced Indianapolis parking lot accident attorney can help ensure you do not overlook any type of compensation you might be entitled to receive.

Call Poynter & Bucheri for a Free Case Review

You can also chat with a representative 24/7 online to get the help you need now! If you are in a parking lot accident, call 1-800-265-9881 or (317) 780-8000 to request your free consultation with an Indianapolis parking lot accident attorney.